-You seem like a quiet person. *Meanwhile me alone* x FF7Remake- [MMD]


Woohooooo baby!!!! 4.5 Hrs OF ANIMATING! paid off!! I’m kinda proud of this one! its only 17 seconds but the raw render was about 3.83 Gigs!! DX

Anyway I had to make this cause of that reel. I saw it here https://www.instagram.com/p/C7xxwdpNjfR/

Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Remake
The Track by @bigalke_
Cloud Strife : MMDKasumi2140
Sephiroth ripped and ported to MMD by myself.
The Stage: MikuSFM, ported to MMD by me.
The artist for the original reference, if you see this please comment below. I’d love to give you credit here.


