FF7 Rebirth Chapter 7 Part 3: Return of the Valkyrie


Cloud, Aerith, and Red run into the turks who summon another Valkyrie to try and take out the divided team. The heroes take it out and reunite with Barret’s team at the ruined Corel reactor only to see a massive Whale like creature jump out of the mako. After this Cloud begins to feel sick. We also see Rufus chastise his executive team for not standing up to President Shinra over the Sector 7 attack. After this Hojo identifies the creature as a weapon after witnessing the event via a video recording from the Site. Finally the team comes to an impasse and Yuffie decides to lead Barrett and Tifa into the old coal mine where Barret used to work. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is property of Square Enix.

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