Don’t Blame Me – Sephiroth x Cloud (FF7Rebirth spoilers)


It feels so good to be back in front of the computer, watching footage and listening to music in order to create videos. I loved what I saw in Rebirth, I just missed Reno’s presence. I really appreciate the patience of the users who follow my work and have not decided to unsubscribe due to my long absence, I also thank the new subscribers!

In some sequences I used to my advantage the subtitles of the game, after watching the Rebirth story (I couldn’t play the game) I immediately thought of this song, I already wanted to use it and I’m very happy to use it to return to Youtube.

In secret Cloud loves Sephiroth, and seeing his emotional catharsis he fears to lose him and finally shows what he feels for him, he supports him in his ideas about wanting to be the master of infinity. Sephiroth, seeing Cloud’s fidelity, falls in love and decides to share his dream with him. As a plan to achieve the reunion, Cloud kills all the Cloud’s that destroy Sephiroth and impersonates the Cloud of the Rebirth timeline (I don’t know much about time travel theories, I found it interesting to put Cloud killing his versions that don’t love Sephiroth), with lies and lack of empathy Cloud deceives everyone. They both get to call out Meteor and his spiritual transcendence.


